Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Off to a good start!

After many fucking attempts to get VB6 and install it, I was able to download a .zip version of it and install it correctly (Thanks Tiez). I also made my very first trainer so check it out if you have time, also thanks Kekeb for the tutorial video to help me on that. ^.^

Cursor Game Trainer


Anonymous said...

Yeah dude thats wh you need a SWF decompiler or a flash decompier. T beleive there is one on ubha.


Sal said...

No Offense, but dude u gotta put names to ur trainers and on the buttons and erase the word "Text1."
When I did my first trainer it was not like that samething with Meeman666. Come on Man.

Anonymous said...

can you tell me and put a link for the vb6 you have i really need it??
thx if you do put it up though

Smashpwned said...

Hey could you e-mail VB6, clarence-__-@hotmail.com (two underscores), thanks if you can't email me, thanks anyways
