Monday, April 9, 2007

A few links.

Well I finally got CE V5.3, I screwed around with it last night til about 5 am. I took the tutorial and then started hacking a few games. I got my hacks to work on Sherwood and Windows Minesweeper.

Also I'm downloading VB 6.0 off a torrent right now, Alex (Gothicjump) posted up a torrent link on UBHA, but a few people says it doesn't work so I'll post up a different torrent link.


Also here is the Cheat Engine V5.3 link if anyone wants it: Cheat Engine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My msn is

Hello,on this I regard my post to see that you said you hacked sherwood.If your kindly enough to take a part of your industrious valuable time to actually read this,send me on what you did to hack the game.

Cheat Engine I have

Note:If it's money hack/Potion hack I already identified and accumulated to them.If you have a speed hack that doesn't make your logout from the server (Or make people disappear) then please send over.This is not a beg

Thank you!